It became operational in June 2014. This is a unique department in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which provides emergency and planned urological care for children, providing treatment for 3 months. do 18 let s vrozhdennymi i priobretennymi anomalies i zabolevaniyamimochepolovoy sistemy.Rasschitano na 20 koek.It works in close contact with the Department of Hospital Surgery and consists of 2 professors, 5 associate professors and 5 assistants. In otdelenii provodyatsya extrennye i planovye reconstructivno-vosstanovitelnye operatsiipri takix zabolevaniyax, kak: - exstrophy of the urinary bladder and epispadias (primary and repeated plasticity of the bladder, plasticity of the bladder); - ureterohydronephrosis (reimplantation ureter po Politanno –Leddbettera); -hydronephrosis (plastic pyelourethral segment); - недержание мочи различного генез (plastic nijnix urochevyx putey); -vesical-ureteral reflux (endoscopic correction); - hypospadias (neourethroplasty);- ureterocele (endoskopicheskoe rasechenie); -multicystosis (nephrureteroectomy); - cysty pouch (sclerotherapy); -stricture urethra (urethroplasty); - urinary tract disease (pyelolithotomy); -valve zadney uretry (issechenie klapana); - varicocele; -hydrocele; - cryptorchidism (orchidopexy). V otdelenii urologii nalajeno sotrudnichestvo s inostrannymi spetsialistami, vrachi sovershenstvuyutsya v vedushchix mirovyx klinikax (Korea, Italy, Turkey, India and others).
Подробная информация в справочной поликлиники
Call: (+998 71) 260 31 16
mode: around the clock
mode: around the clock
Пишите: medtur.tashpmi@gmail.com
Our address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yunusobod,
st. Bogishamol 223
st. Bogishamol 223