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Pediatric neuroligy

Chief of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI, the chief neurologist of Uzbekistan. Madjidova Yokutkhon Higher education Tel: 8(393)-171-22-48
Fax: +99871 260 34 16
• Category -supreme • Science degree – medical doctor (MD); • Possession of skills –General Neurology, interpretation of results of Neurophysiology, neuroimaging methods, treatment blockades, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture.
Advisory and Diagnostic services
Chief of pediatrics neurology department, PhD in medicine, docent Khalilova Alie higher education Tel: 8(90)-943-35-89
Fax: +99871 260 34 16
Professional Development Abroad: in 2016 year in Romania Category - supreme Possession of skills - General Neurology, reflex therapy, injections of botulotoxin, therapeutic blockades.
Therapeutic and diagnostic
Professor of department of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics of TashPMI Sadikova Gulchehra Higher education Tel: 8(371)-260-31-17
Fax: 8(371)-260-34-16
In 1976 year finished course of PhD. Science degree – medical doctor, professor; Possession of skills - Neurology, interpretation og neurophysiology and neuroimaging methods, treatment blockades.
Teaching, Advisory and Diagnostic services
Physician Israilova Gullola Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2008 year finished course of pediatric neurology in TIPME; Professional Development Abroad: in 2011y, Italy, Brescia; Category - first; Possession of skills - General Neurology, EEG, EChoEG, RTI, massage, treatment blockades.
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Docent of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI Ziyahodjaeva Latofat Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 1996 year finished clinical internship in pediatric neurology in clinic of TashPMI Category - first Science degree – doctor of philosophy (PhD), docent; Possession of skills - Pediatrics Neurology, treatment blockades.
Advisory and Diagnostic services
Assistant of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI Nosirova Dilfuza Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2008 year finished master course in pediatric neurology in TashPMI Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology
Advisory and Diagnostic services
Physician Akmalova Zilola Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2014 year finished master course in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. Science degree - master Possession of skills - General Neurology, RTI, hirudotherapy.
Therapeutic and diagnostic
Physician Isamuhamedova Umida Rakhimovna Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 1996 year finised TashPMI; In 1997 year finished internship in TashPMI; Professional Development Abroad: in 2012year at the Samsung MC, Seoul, Korea; Category - supreme; Possession of skills - General Neurology, Epileptology, RTI
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Physician Gazieva Gulnoza Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2006 year finished master course in pediatric infections in TashPMI; In 2008 year finished course of pediatric neurology in TIPME; Possession of skills - General Neurology, EEG, EChoEG, RTI, massage.
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Physician, neurologist Saidov Jamshid Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-37-51
Fax: 8(71)-260- 34-16
Category - first
Therapeutic and diagnostic
Physician Kabulov Nuriddin Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2014 year finished clinical residency in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. In 2015 year finised course of neurophysiology in TIPME. Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology, EEG, EchoEG, ENMG, EMG.
Therapeutic and diagnostic
Physician Rahimova Feruza Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2012 year finished clinical residency in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. In 2018 year finised course of neurophysiology in TIPME. Category - second. Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology, EEG, EchoEG, ENMG, EMG.
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Physician Salikhodjaeva Shakhlo Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2012 year finished clinical residency in pediatric neurology in TIPME; In 2017 year finished course of neurophysiology in TIPME; Category - second Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology, EEG, EchoEG, ENMG, EMG.
Therapeutic and diagnostic
Physician Sharipova Nafisa Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2013 year finished master course in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Assistant of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI Azimova Nodira Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2002 year finished clinical residency in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. In 2010 year finished postgraduate study (PhD course) in TasPMI Science degree – doctor of philosophy (PhD) Possession of skills - Pediatrics Neurology.
Advisory and Diagnostic services
Assistant of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI Usmanov Saidolim Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2005 year finished master course in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. Professional Development Abroad: in 2017 year, Russia, St.Peterburg; Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology, biomicropolarisation
Advisory and Diagnostic services
Assistant of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI Hamidova Nodira Higher education Tel: 8(71)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(71)-260-34-16
In 2003 year finished clinical residency in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. Category - second Possession of skills - Pediatrics Neurology, EEG, treatment blockades.
Advisory and Diagnostic services
Assistant of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI, M.D. Usmanova Durdona Higher education Tel: 8(371)-260-31-17
Fax: 8(371)-260-34-16
In 2003 year finished Tashkent medical institute In 2006 year finished master course in TMA. In 2010 finished in course of PhD. Possession of skills - Neurology.
Teaching, Advisory and Diagnostic services
Assistant of Neurology, pediatrics neurology and Medical genetics department of TashPMI, PhD Saidkhodjaeva Saida Higher education Tel: 8(371)-260-32-41
Fax: 8(371)-260-34-16
In 2013 year finished master course in pediatric neurology in TashPMI. In 2018 year finished PhD course in TashPMI. Professional Development Abroad: in 2014y. Czech , in 2015y Japan, in 2018y Italy Possession of skills - Pediatric Neurology.
Teaching, Advisory and Diagnostic services
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